Sunday, March 16, 2014


I’m Hany Amran. I live in Babakan Sereh village RT03/04 number 47 West Dawuan Cikampek Karawang. I was born in Karawang exactly January 2nd 1995. I'm the first child from 3 brothers. I like sport, travelling, playing games, studying, hang out, and many more. My dreams in the future are enterpreneur, and IT staff. 
I graduated Elementary School in West Dawuan 1 for 6 years, from 2001 to 2007. Then I graduated Junior High School 2 in Cikampek, from the start of 2007 through 2010. Then in 2010 to 2013 I graduated Senior High School 2 in Cikampek with major Science. After that I continued my school again in LP3I College in Karawang with major Informatic Computer. And now I step on semester 2 this year. I also often adhere to a school activity or activities of the Organization but not too active. I also have been getting Charter Award for village level speech about race in 2007. Then I also got an English-language speech contest between schools around the year 2012. I am also active in succumbed. I am actively working together with the community. I am active in the business, because it starts from a hobby became my everyday habits. I also have expertise in the field of computers. I hope you read my blog it may be useful to you all.

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